notes on generative music
I’ve always been a fan of generative music processes.
Back in the days, I’ve been using a Nord G2 modular to play with generative ideas.
This synth was a wonder, the equivalent of a massive (and very expensive) modular synth.
I eventually sold it, and since then I’ve taught myself max/msp and pure data. The learning curve has been a bit slow at first, but thanks to the community evolving around those softwares, I’ve managed to be able to solve quite a lot of problems with max/msp & pure data and made several solid interactive installations (Qu4dr4nt for example) with it.
I also made various problem solving softwares with max/msp, like the Orbit editor that I made to edit that old synth rack from the 90s.
More recently I’ve been enjoying making max/msp patches and watching them evolve. I find it soothing, even if I can understand it’s not for everybody.
I started recording them and posting the videos on youtube:
Acousmatic pieces
back in 2013, I decided to go “back to school” at the Music Conservatory and got into the “Musique Concrete Class”.
I spent 3 years in there, playing pieces on a 50 loudspeakers system during concerts, refining old recording techniques, and meeting plenty of people passionate about sound.
The tracks you’ll find there have been written during this period.